Snake God temple in Garhwal Himalayas
The Himalayan region is called the abode of gods and one generally sees many temples of various gods and goddess ...
Garhwal Rifles soldiers names in World War-2 Memorial in Singapore
The names are mainly of soldiers who served with the 2nd and 5th Battalion of the Garhwal Rifles. ADIT SING ...
Tehri Garhwal Forces in World War 2 in Imphal Manipur
The state force of Tehri Garhwal also fought world war 2 in Imphal….Manipur The memorial in Imphal
Uttarakhand soldiers names from Hospital & Medical Corps in World War-2 Memorial in Singapore
BHAG CHAND, Cook, H/199410. 19 Indian General Hospital. Indian Hospital Corps. Missing 1st January – 31st December 1942. Son of ...
Uttarakhand University Directory
We compiled a list of University in Uttarakhand and we hope that user will be get benefited from this list. ...
Look Beyond the Char Dhams
The Uttarakhand state is also known as the devbhumi-the abode of gods and people in large numbers come here for ...
Missing Girl Child in Uttarakhand: A Case of Female foeticide
The census of 2001 has once again brought into focus the issue of Gender equity in India. The problem that ...