World War 2 officer

Lt.ColonelMonodhirChoudhary, called Monty by friends was born on 17 Col Monidhar ChoudharySept. 1920, in a town now Arunanchal Pradesh, when his father was with the Frontier Services in the British Period. The Choudharys belong to Sylhetdistict( now in Bangleshdesh) and later their Badi-Home in Shantipara in Dibrugarh town in Assam became the ancestral home. Colonel Choudhary was commissioned on 25th July in 1943,initially in the Baluch Regiment ( now with the Pakistani Army ) and later with the Ordnance Corps. Col Choudhary now lives alone in shillong.

Social researcher, Traveller, and Writer played diverse roles in the development sector, with a strong dedication for preservation of cultural heritage. Sharing my experince and insights on this website.

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