Before Corporate Social Responsibility

The time has come when human resources management needs to have a complete paradigm shift. All along the organizations have straitjacketed thinking on the potential use of the employees for the benefit of the owners, which is channeled though what is often called the Management. The management thinks plans and executes only in the best interest of the owners. Not only private set ups, but also trusts and Non-government organizations (NGOs) thinks, plan and operate like a Lalaji ki Dukan. In this process earning for the owners and company directors is the main concern. Many of these owners are also in the race for power and political positions. Though many businessmen stay and stagnate in the race for power and position, but in the process many cultivate and patronage people in the position of power.

Organization must have a vision wherein all individuals are like members of a family and are happy, healthy and grow morally, spiritually, and financially. The departments of human resources should not be just for inducting and retaining people in the organization. It is generally seen that the HR along with accounts department are busy with salary, leaves, TA/DA claims, annual performance and confidential reports of individuals and kept closed to the heart by the employer like the bahikhata, which only he can decipher. The organizations have a narrow sense of an immediate requirement, without any futuristic planning and without any vision and mission in mind.

The major decision has to be on the human resources and the policy governing it. In the effort to have, induct and retain people, who will make the organizations a place of excellence, innovation, and productivity, the issues of the individual’s growth, privileges and cordial atmosphere needs to be looked into.  In the age of privatization and globalization and the system of contractual employments, there is a need for a liberalized contractual conditions and obligations. Transparency is the key and an essential ingredient of an organization development. The worker must also be made to think that he also own the house he builds and nurtures and is not just a paid artisan.

It is generally seen in India, that we pay salary and or honorarium to individuals on the time he gives and spends in the organization and not on inputs/outputs and results produced or given.  This paying and or buying of employees time can be seen when the emphasis is given on adhering to office timings, office attendance, working hours/days, holidays and leave privileges.

The Performance appraisal of the employers should be transparent for all and any decisions to train, retain or remove an employee should be an open system, so that there is no hard feeling on any decision. Dead wood is not present in an organization, where there is transparency in perks, posting and promotions.

Some of the points are not new in any way, but needs attention to encourage, invite and retain academicians, advisors, consultants, Managers and any other professionals in the organizations. There is a need to create an ideal environment through mutual understanding.  A growth plan for employee’s to make him feel part of the organization’s family. To involve employee in the planning and development process so that they have a feeling of ownership and responsibility towards the organization.

There should also be a general health and welfare scheme for them and a mutually beneficial contract termination system and a friendly and cordial farewell.

There has to be a paradigm shift in HR thinking by the organizations and employers in order to make their organization a place of excellence and to invite and retain the best from the society.

Once the paradigm shift takes place, we can then think of Corporate Social Responsibility. Historically business houses in India have had religious and charitable trusts, but today we talk of corporate social responsibility (CSR) which is adopted by western corporate houses. Today, primarily due to the concept of welfare state, old and new business houses have ushered in the agenda of CSR. But time has come to justify and advocate CSR for being a partner in human and social development, thereby bringing in growth, prosperity and peace in the state and society. Organizations and employers will have to see this with a positive frame of mind and in futuristic perspective.

Social researcher, Traveller, and Writer played diverse roles in the development sector, with a strong dedication for preservation of cultural heritage. Sharing my experince and insights on this website.

1 thought on “Before Corporate Social Responsibility”

  1. I really see a thorough research by the author, because the real ground issues are raised like,
    1- now a days almost all the business houses have made their own CSR wings that has worsened the scenario as now they are planner of activities, implementors and evaluators too so one can think of outcome.
    .2-It is well narrated that before going to clean the face of outside society, 1st should focus on welfare of employees, wherein linke CSR only eyewash level efforts are generally found,
    3- Like NGOs, which claim to be addressing all SDGs, even the good corporate houses are working as placement agencies so hiring necessary human resources from open world then investment on their inhouse human capital, so the social security of employees is totally on stake


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