Garhwali and Telugu milan: Fwa Bagha Re’ finds its music composition in Telgu song

उत्तराखंडी गढ़वाली लोक गाना -‘फवा बघा रे’ का संगीत रचना, एक तेलुगु गणेश भक्ति गाना – गायका- मंगली (सत्यवाथी राठौड़ ) मे देकने को मिलता है. इसका मिलन कैसे हुआ, यहाँ एक सामाजिक शोध का विषय है.

One of the Uttarakhand Garhwali folk song ‘Fwa Bagha Re’ finds its music composition in a Telugu devotional ganesha song, singer- Mangli (Satyavathi Rathod ). How it got associated is a matter of sociological research.

D. K. Budakoti

Social researcher, Traveller, and Writer played diverse roles in the development sector, with a strong dedication for preservation of cultural heritage. Sharing my experince and insights on this website.

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